Where Shawn Stands on Issues Concerning Health Care

A smiling young female nurse in blue scrubs looks to an older woman whose arm she is holding, helping stand in a beige hospital setting
Picture of Shawn Ellerbroek

Shawn Ellerbroek

Running to Represent District 57 (Butler County and SW Bremer County) in the Iowa House of Representatives

Access to Affordable Healthcare is a Must

We need to increase access to affordable health care by ending the failed privatization of Medicaid experiment, expand satellite/mobile healthcare opportunities, and bolster programs that incentivize and sustain rural healthcare providers.

Why is Cancer Increasing among Iowans?

Iowa has the second-highest cancer rate in the nation and the only state where cancer rates are increasing. We should be relentlessly working to understand why.

Why is Infant Mortality on the Rise?

In Iowa, Infant mortality rose 30% in 2022.

Keep Politicians Out of Personal Health Decisions

I support access to abortion and In Vitro fertilization, also known as IVF. Both are deeply personal decisions that should be made in consultation with care providers and supporters. I do not support restricting medical intervention when serious medical complications arise in either the fetus or mother.

There are Not Enough Community-Based Care Options

A recent AARP study found home- and community-based care options were lacking and too costly for many Iowans. Waiting lists for quality care facilities and unanswered complaints grow while nursing home inspectors run short. We need impactful budget increases for Medicaid funding for home health care, support community based-services, help fund adult-day care programs, raise the number of inspectors, and enforce care facility compliance.

Stop Attacking Transgender Iowans

Republicans might remind themselves of a Solon quote inscribed in the Iowa State Capitol Rotunda: “That in which an injury done to the least of its citizens is an injury done to all.”

We Need to Address Food Insecurity in Iowa

Governor Reynolds turned down 29 million dollars in federal funding for a summer food program and then opened a new state-run program offering only $900,000 in grants to schools and organizations. Rather than bringing in adequate funds to feed hungry children, Reynolds and her administration would rather paint a picture of obese children spending EBT money to get fatter and underfund her own alternative state-sponsored nutrition program. Stop victimizing children and start earnestly and intently addressing the growing food insecurity issue in this state.

To restate: feed our hungry kids! Support proper SNAP benefits. It is hard for children to focus and learn in school with hunger pains.

If you are able, the Shawn for Iowa campaign could use your support.

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